RIDE - Rivers of IDEas

"Young people will be both main target and promoters to involve the whole community."

The RIDE project was born from the observation that often few young people have the opportunity to participate in the decisions that affect their life and that of their communities. Their potential contribution to society is often overlooked, underestimating their role as agents of positive change. In particular, the RIDE project will focus on the environmental crisis, which we consider a complex global issue to address.

Our Mission
  • Rethink local rivers
  • Learn to plan about rivers
  • Involve communities around rivers
Communities involved
EU Funds


Kickoff meeting - Day 1
Kickoff meeting - Day 2
Kickoff meeting - End

Latest News

March 2024

Successful conclusion of the fourth project meeting towards River Festivals

June 2024

Latest international meeting for RIDE project: Reflection on what has been accomplished and future possibilities

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